1. 關閉系統,進入PROM狀態 # init 0 ok (PROM狀態提示)
2. 在PROM狀態提示符下確認當前系統所連接的SCSI設備狀況 ok probe-scsi 或 ok probe-scsi-all
這時,系統將顯示所能識別的SCSI設備極其設備號(Target ID).如果新連接的硬 盤之信息沒有出現時,請按下述方法進行確認.
1) 檢查設備號是否重復? |
3. 重新起動系統 ok boot -r
注意,只有加入"-r"選項時, 系統在起動時才給所識別了的設備(包括SCSI設備) 生成相應的設備文件.
4. 對新增設的硬盤進行盤區劃分
# format |
0. c0t3d0
Specify disk (enter its number): 0 <-- 選擇硬盤 selecting c0t3d0 [disk formatted] formAT MENU: disk select a disk type select (define) a disk type partition select (define) a partition table current describe the current disk format format and analyze the disk repair repair a defective sector show translate a disk address label write label to the disk analyze surface analysis defect defect list management backup search for backup labels verify read and display labels save save new disk/partition definitions volname set 8-character volume name quit format> partition <-- 鍵入partition(或par)進入分區狀態 PARTITION MENU: 0 change `0' partition 1 change `1' partition 2 change `2' partition 3 change `3' partition 4 change `4' partition 5 change `5' partition 6 change `6' partition 7 change `7' partition select select a predefined table modify modify a predefined partition table name name the current table print display the current table label write partition map and label to the disk quit partition> modify <-- 鍵入modify(或mod),修改當前分區表. Select partitioning base: 0. Current partition table (original) 1. All Free Hog Choose base (enter number) [0]? 0 <-- 選擇當前分區表. Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks 0 unassigned wm 0 17 15.90MB (18/0/0) 1 unassigned wm 18 88 62.71MB (71/0/0) 2 unassigned wm 0 742 656.29MB (743/0/0) 3 unassigned wm 89 121 29.15MB (33/0/0) 4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 5 unassigned wm 122 230 96.28MB (109/0/0) 6 unassigned wm 231 555 287.07MB (325/0/0) 7 unassigned wm 556 742 165.18MB (187/0/0) Do you wish to continue creating a new partition table based on above table[yes]? y <-- 鍵入y,以當前分區表為基準分區. Free Hog partition[6]? 7 <-- 選擇適當的浮動區.(注1) Enter size of partition '0' [32562b, 18c, 15.90mb]: 16mb <-- 指定容量 Enter size of partition '1' [128439b, 71c, 62.71mb]: 62.7mb (注2) Enter size of partition '3' [59697b, 33c, 29.15mb]: 29mb Enter size of partition '4' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb]: 0 Enter size of partition '5' [197181b, 109c, 96.28mb]: 96mb Enter size of partition '6' [587925b, 325c, 287.07mb]: 287mb Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks 0 unassigned wm 0 18 16.78MB (19/0/0) 1 unassigned wm 19 89 62.71MB (71/0/0) 2 unassigned wm 0 742 656.29MB (743/0/0) 3 unassigned wm 90 122 29.15MB (33/0/0) 4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 5 unassigned wm 123 231 96.28MB (109/0/0) 6 unassigned wm 232 556 287.07MB (325/0/0) 7 unassigned wm 557 742 164.29MB (186/0/0) Okay to make this the current partition table[yes]? y <-- 確認后鍵入y. Enter table name (remember quotes): new_table <-- 鍵入適當的名稱. partition> label <-- 鍵入label(或lab),設定系統標識. ok to label disk? y <-- 鍵入y partition> q <-- 鍵入q退出分區狀態. format> q <-- 鍵入q退出format
(注1) 當改變其他分區尺寸時, 浮動區(Free Hog)用于在容量范圍內進行自動調 節.
(注2) 分區容量的具體指定方法為:
容量數值后面加"b": 指定塊數.
容量數值后面加"c": 指定柱面數.
容量數值后面加"mb": 指定MB數.
5. 生成新的文件系統用newfs命令將所劃分的分區生成為新的文件系統.
#/usr/sbin/newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s7 (CR)
# /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2 (CR)
6. 檢查新生成的文件系統
# /usr/sbin/fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s7 (CR)
# /usr/sbin/fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2 (CR)
7. 安裝新生成的文件系統
# mkdir /home1 (CR) |
# df -k (CR) |
# vi /etc/vfstab (CR) |
# sync;sync;reboot (CR) |