$ color = lavender
$ cat color1
echo you are now running program: color1
echo the value of the variable color is : $color
$ chmod +x color1
$ color1
you ar now running program : color1
the value of the variable color is :
$ export color
$ color1
you are now running program : color1
the value of the variable color is : lavender
echo The original value of the variable color is $color
ech0 This program will set the value of color to amber
echo The value of color is now $color
echo When your program concludes,display the value of the color variable
$ export color=lavender
$ echo $color
$ color2
The original value of the variable color is lavender
The program will set the value of color to amber
The value of volor is now amber
When your progam concludes, display the value of the color variable,
$ echo $color
1.4 shell 程序的參數
?$ sh_program arg1 arg2 . . . argx
???$0 ???$1?? $2 ....? $X
$ cat color3
echo you are now running program: $0
echo The value of command line argument \#1 is: $1
echo The value of command line argument \#2 is : $2
$ chmod +x color3
$ color3 red green
You are now running program: color3
The value of command line argument #1 is : red
The value of command line argument #2 is: green
大多數的UNIX系統命令可以接收命令行參數,這些參數通常告訴命令它將要操作的文件或目錄(cp f1 f2),另外指定的參數擴展命令的能力(ls –l),或者提供文本字符串(banner hi there)
在shell程序中的命令行參數與參數在命令行的位置相關。這樣的參數被稱為位置參數,因為對每一個特殊變量的賦值依靠一這些參數在命令行中的位置。這些變量的變量名對應它們在命令行中的數字位置,因此這些特殊的變量名為數字0,1,2等等,一直到最后的參數被傳遞。變量名的存取通過同樣的方法,在名字前面加上$ 符號,因此,為了存取你的shell程序中的命令行參數,你可以應用$0,$1,$2等等。在$9以后,必須使用括號:$(10),$(11),否則,shell會將$10看成是$1后面跟一個0。$0會一直保存程序或命令的名字。
$ cat > my_install
echo $0 will install $1 to your bin directory
chmod +x $1
mv $1 $HOME/bin
echo Installation of $1 is complete
ctrl + d
$ chmod +x my_intalll
$ my_install color3
my_install will install color3 to your bin directory
Installation of color3 is complete