在前不久的中國互聯網里,一場關于隱私保護的討論還沒有結束,MSN等即時通信軟件容易被老板監聽的話題讓人對網絡聊天愛恨交加。而就在大家開始慢慢僥幸地認為老板不會偷看MSN聊天記錄的同時,另一個巨大MSN安全陷阱卻正在向用戶襲來。最近這段時間一款叫“MSN Chat Monitor & Sniffer”的軟件在中國互聯網上悄然盛行,很多下載站點都提供有軟件的下載,只要下載安裝這個軟件,任何一個普普通通的人就能在網上監聽本地局域網內所有人的MSN聊天記錄。
事實上情況可能遠遠比這個白領想到的更為嚴重,普通人使用“MSN Chat Monitor & Sniffer”軟件不僅可以輕松看到局域網內部所有使用MSN人的MSN地址,而且能窺視到其中的聊天內容,整個過程無需要網管的協助,也不需要在被監聽的機器上裝任何的東西,要窺視同事的MSN聊天,只需花幾分鐘在自己的機器里操作便可,所有局域網內的MSN對話全部盡收眼底。現代社會,人人都幾乎離不開局域網中,上班在公司的局域網中,同事可以監聽你,下班在家里的小區寬帶局域網,隔壁鄰居可以監聽你。你想想,這么多雙眼睛盯著你屏幕中的MSN,你還有聊天的欲望嗎?豈不說用MSN交流重要的信息,就連生活鎖事一類都得謹慎了。說不定,以前你在MSN中對隔壁女孩發送曖昧的語言,在MSN中告訴親友你的信用卡賬號密碼,在MSN中大說上司的壞話等等都可能已經被其它同事看得一清二楚。
MSN之所以會出現這種信息不安全狀況,實際上主要在于MSN軟件消息傳輸方式的缺陷所致,由于MSN軟件是采用明文傳輸的方式來傳送即時消息的,而這種傳輸方式不會經過任何加密過程,非常容易被一些專門的監聽軟件截取即時消息,MSN Chat Monitor & Sniffer就是這些監聽軟件其中一種。
“MSN Chat Monitor & Sniffer”是國外開發的一款軟件,在它的官方網站上有它詳細的功能介紹,在功能說明稱此軟件不僅能實時在網絡中監聽,即使當你不在網絡時,也可以設置自動監聽并發送到你指定的郵箱里,在網站的幫助頁面里,還列舉了幾種特殊網絡結構不能使用的解決辦法。此軟件在網站上以標價59.95美元出售,不過國內已有好事之徒將其破解漢化制作成了免費中文版,而正是這個軟件中文版的出現,才使其MSN監聽迅速流行,直面沖擊著我們的工作和生活。
不管是出于什么目的被別人監控msn的信息畢竟不是什么好的事情.下面總結一下如何在windows 和linux下面防止這個事情的發生.
1.安裝gaim for linux or windows .
3.gaim-encryption 這樣別人就沒有辦法監控了.監控的東西都是被加密的信息.
4.關于gaim for windows的字體難看的問題:
系統缺省在C:Program FilesCommon FilesGTK.0etcgtk-2.0gtkrc文件中有一個缺省的配置是:
gtk-font-name="sans 8"
gtk-font-name="simsun 10"
實時通訊軟件的安全性一向就受人質疑,多數的軟件開發商也不敢保證使用自己的產品在在線交談是絕對安全的,面對網絡上有越來越多的「黑客工具」是針對實時通訊軟件的交談內容安全性缺陷而設,你會不會擔心辦公室、學校的實驗室,有人隨時在暗地里竊聽你的談話內容呢?用 SimpLite-MSN 為 MSN 為交談內容加密,避免有心人士竊聽。
SimpLite-MSN 采用的相當于美國軍事等級要求的 RSA 2048 bit 實時字符串加密功能,對所有 MSN 受發訊息加密。
RSA 指的是一種加密運算加密方式,而 2048 bit 是將原本正常的字符以 2048 bit 長度的字符串,以隨機編排的方式置換,如此一來竊聽者想要以一般的竊聽工具(Sniffer)察看你的交談訊息內容可沒那么簡單。
比起大名鼎鼎的 PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)金鑰加密工具,SimpLite-MSN 的使用要簡單多了,只要完成初次的安裝設置,SimpLite-MSN 便可隨時做好加密保護的工作。凡是從 MSN 上傳送的訊息、檔案信息,都會受到程序保護,而程序也對隨機產生的加密金鑰妥善保存,無丟失之虞。
在 SimpLite-MSN 加密保護交談狀況啟動前,交談的雙方都需要事先安裝這套軟件,程序啟動時會在開始工作列上以最小化的圖示常駐,當狀態呈「紅色」時,代表加密保護已經生效,而程序會在交談同時自動辨識收發的訊息是否有經過加密處理,同時在 Windows 桌面上顯示相關警示訊息,確實掌握交談內容的安全性。
如果擔心 SimpLite-MSN 先前設置的密碼容易遭破解,SimpLite-MSN 也允許你隨時更換密碼,比起多數的加密軟件來講,SimpLite-MSN 的操作使用更加靈活。
隨著網絡實時通訊軟件的運用逐漸普及,若你擔心自己在網絡上的重要談話內容容易遭人竊聽,想要保有個人隱私的話,現在就來裝套 SimpLite-MSN 吧!
如何使用MSN Chat Monitor & Sniffer?
MSN Chat Monitor & Sniffer FAQ
Q1: When I want to selected IP Address, there have not any adapter in list, how can I do?
Q2: Why I capture noting?
Q3: How can I capture packet on my LAN connected by a switch?
Q4: Please help me for configure port mirroring or SPAN to enable monitoring feature for my switch.
Q5: My switch doesn't support monitoring function. How can I do?
Q6: I can only monitor my own msn conversation in my pc not every pc in local network.Help.
Q7: No adapter can be finding in the software, how can I do?
Q1: When I want to selected IP Address, there have not any adapter in list, how can I do?
A1: Although the software can working fine on most network adapter, but it may cannot capture packet through some wireless network card, modem, PCMCIA card, USB card, or other special card. Try restarting your PC first after install the software
Q2: Why I capture noting?
A2: You can click menu "select Adapter" to set an adapter for capture packet. After you press "Start Capture" in toolbar, Your can try ever adapter, until find MSN packets number go up in the state bar if any people using MSN in time.
Q3: How can I capture packet on my LAN connected by a switch?
A3: In fact, switches prevent promiscuous sniffing, but very fortunately that most decent switches support SPAN," port mirroring", "management port" or similar feature, which allows network administrators to monitor LAN traffic on any computer connected to one designated switch port. You can configuration your switch with the documentation.
If your can do it until, please refer to Q5.
Q4: Please help me for configure port mirroring or SPAN to enable monitoring feature for my switch.
A4: You can check the documentation or get help from administrator, also ask the support of the manufacturer of your switch directly.
Q5: My switch doesn't support monitoring function. How can I do?
A5: If you can't or don't want to configure a management port for your switch, there are still several alternatives available.
Gateway: If possible please load the sniffed program on your special PC like your Internet gateway, proxy server or router. Any packet data will pass through the gateway, then the sniffed program can capture them.
ARP: Make some fake ARP packet and send it to your network to cheat your switch, then switch will forward net packet to other computers to your computer. But it is an inefficient and dangerous way.
HUB: Replace your switch with a common hub. If your Internet bandwidth is less than 5M (bps), downgrading will not have any negative impact on your Internet access.
Connected Internet by Router
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Connected Internet by Gateway Proxy Server
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Connected Internet by Gateway Proxy Server
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Q6: I can only monitor my own msn conversation in my pc not every pc in local network. Help.
A6: If your network is connect with a switch, you can configure a management port for your switch. And connect your PC to that port of the switch. In addition. If you don't want to configure a management port for your switch,please refer to Q5.
Q7: No adapter can be finding in the software, how can I do?
A7: Please download WinPcap 3.1 beta 3 at http://www.winpcap.org/install/default.htm