

通過集成Cisco IOS(本機模式)在帶PFC的Catalyst 6000h上進行輸出調度
2006-04-17   網絡


輸出調度用于確保重要業務在嚴重超量預訂的情況下不會被丟棄。本文將說明所有涉及Catalyst 6000交換機輸出調度的技術和算法。本文還將重點說明如何在運行集成Cisco IOS®(本機模式)的Catalyst 6000上對輸出調度進行配置,如何檢驗操作。

如果您想知道有關加權早期隨機檢測(WRED)、加權循環(WRR)以及尾端丟棄的詳細信息,或者您的Catalyst 6 000上使用混合模式軟件,請參考“Catalyst 6000系列交換機上的QoS:采用混合模式在帶PFC的Catalyst 6000上進行輸出調度”。

Catalyst 6000上不同線路卡的輸出隊列能力

如果您并不確定某個端口的隊列能力,那么首先要做的就是發出 show queueing interface <gig | fast et> <mod/port> 命令。以下是SUP1A線路卡上一個端口的 show queueing interface 命令輸出的前幾行:

cosmos#show queueing interface gig 1/1
Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 queueing strategy: Weighted Round-Robin

QoS is disabled globally
Trust state: trust DSCP
Default COS is 0
Transmit group-buffers feature is enabled
Transmit queues [type = 1p2q2t]:
Queue Id Scheduling Num of thresholds
1 WRR low 2
2 WRR high 2
3 Priority 1
.....(output truncated)



Catalyst 6000以及6500交換機上有好幾種隊列類型。下表說明了端口QoS體系結構的表示方法。

發送/接收端 隊列表示法 隊列數量 優先級隊列 WRR隊列數量 WRR隊列數量及類型閾值
Tx 2q2t 2 - 2 2 configurable Tail-Drop
Tx 1p2q2t 3 1 2 2 configurable WRED
Tx 1p3q1t 4 1 3 1 configurable WRED
Tx 1p2q1t 3 1 2 1 configurable WRED
Rx 1q4t 1 - 1 4 configurable Tail-Drop
Rx 1p1q4t 2 1 1 4 configurable Tail-Drop
Rx 1p1q0t 2 1 1 Not configurable
Rx 1p1q8t 2 1 1 8 configurable WRED


模塊 接收隊列 發送隊列
WS-X6K-S2-PFC2 1p1q4t 1p2q2t
WS-X6K-SUP1A-2GE 1p1q4t 1p2q2t
WS-X6K-SUP1-2GE 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6501-10GEX4 1p1q8t 1p2q1t
WS-X6502-10GE 1p1q8t 1p2q1t
WS-X6516-GBIC 1p1q4t 1p2q2t
WS-X6516-GE-TX 1p1q4t 1p2q2t
WS-X6416-GBIC 1p1q4t 1p2q2t
WS-X6416-GE-MT 1p1q4t 1p2q2t
WS-X6316-GE-TX 1p1q4t 1p2q2t
WS-X6408A-GBIC 1p1q4t 1p2q2t
WS-X6408-GBIC 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6524-100FX-MM 1p1q0t 1p3q1t
WS-X6324-100FX-SM 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6324-100FX-MM 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6224-100FX-MT 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6548-RJ-21 1p1q0t 1p3q1t
WS-X6548-RJ-45 1p1q0t 1p3q1t
WS-X6348-RJ-21 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6348-RJ21V 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6348-RJ-45 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6348-RJ-45V 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6148-RJ-45V 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6148-RJ21V 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6248-RJ-45 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6248A-TEL 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6248-TEL 1q4t 2q2t
WS-X6024-10FL-MT 1q4t 2q2t


Catalyst 6000上輸出調度的配置、監控以及實例


本節說明在支持本機IOS的Catalyst 6000上配置輸出調度時應遵循的所有步驟。有關Catalyst 6000的默認配置,請參閱本文的 默認配置一節。

Catalyst 6000的配置包含以下任務:






注意: 所有這些任務(除第一項外)均為可選任務。您可以決定一個或多個參數保持默認值。


1.首先啟用QoS。請記住,QoS默認值禁用。當QOS禁用時,無論您對CoS映射作何種配置,都不會影響結果。系統只會以先進先出(FIFO)的方式處理一條隊列,所有數據包將被丟棄。 cosmos#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
cosmos(config)#mls qos

QoS is enabled globally
Microflow policing is enabled globally

QoS global counters:
Total packets: 552638
IP shortcut packets: 0
Packets dropped by policing: 0
IP packets with TOS changed by policing: 0
IP packets with COS changed by policing: 0
Non-IP packets with CoS changed by policing: 0


 wrr-queue  cos-map<Q number (1-2)> <threshold_number (1-2)> <cos value 1> <cos value 2> 
 priority-queue cos-map<Q number (always 1)> <cos value 1> <cos value 2>


注意: 隊列總是從優先級最低的隊列開始編號,并以絕對優先的隊列結束。例如:

  • 隊列1將是低優先級WRR隊列

  • 隊列2將是高優先級WRR隊列

  • 隊列3將是絕對優先隊列


 cosmos#conf t 
 cosmos(config)#int gig 1/1 
 cosmos(config-if)#priority-queue cos-map 1 5    
 !-- CoS 5 分配給優先級隊列 
   cos-map configured on:  Gi1/1 Gi1/2 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue cos-map 1 1 0 1
 !-- CoS 0 和1 分配給低WRR隊列的第一個閥值 
   cos-map configured on:  Gi1/1 Gi1/2 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue cos-map 1 2 2 3
 !-- CoS 2 和3 分配給低WRR隊列的第二個閥值       
   cos-map configured on:  Gi1/1 Gi1/2 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue cos-map 2 1 4 6
 !-- CoS 4 和6分配給高WRR隊列的第一個閥值 
   cos-map configured on:  Gi1/1 Gi1/2 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue cos-map 2 2 7 
 !-- CoS 7分配給高WRR隊列的第一個閥值   
   cos-map configured on:  Gi1/1 Gi1/2 


 cosmos#show queueing int gig 1/1 
 ...output truncated 
 queue thresh cos-map 
     1     1      0 1 
     1     2      2 3 
     2     1      4 6 
     2     2      7 
     3     1      5 
 .... output truncated


wrr-queue bandwith <weight for Q1> <weight for Q2>





 cosmos#conf t 
 Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z. 
 cosmos(config)#int gig 1/1 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue bandwidth ? 
   <1-255>  enter bandwidth weight between 1 and 255 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue bandwidth 20 80
 !-- 隊列 1消耗20%的時間, 隊列 2將消耗80%的時間。 


 cosmos#show queueing interface gig 1/1 
 Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 queueing strategy:  Weighted Round-Robin 
   Port QoS is enabled 
   Port is untrusted 
   Default cos is 0 
   Transmit queues [type = 1p2q2t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         WRR low             2 
        2         WRR high            2 
        3         Priority            1 
     WRR bandwidth ratios:   20[queue 1]  80[queue 2] 
     queue-limit ratios:     90[queue 1]   5[queue 2] 
 .... output truncated.... 

注意: 當無法使用混合模式時,您可以對各接口配置不同的WRR加權。


 wrr-queue queue-limit <percentage WRR q1> <percentage WRR Q2>
 cosmos(config)#int gig 1/2 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue queue-limit 70 15     
 !--隊列 1將占用70% 緩沖器,隊列 2 和3各占15%。 
   queue-limit configured on:  Gi1/1 Gi1/2 


 cosmos#show queueing interface gig 1/2
 Interface GigabitEthernet1/2 queueing strategy:  Weighted Round-Robin 
   Port QoS is enabled 
   Port is untrusted 
   Default cos is 0 
   Transmit queues [type = 1p2q2t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         WRR low             2 
        2         WRR high            2 
        3         Priority            1 
     WRR bandwidth ratios:    5[queue 1] 255[queue 2] 
     queue-limit ratios:     70[queue 1]  15[queue 2] 

注意: 最好為低優先級WRR隊列留最大緩沖區,因為對于這個隊列,我們需要啟用更多緩沖器。其它隊列將享受較高優先級的服務。



wrr-queue random-dtect max-threshold <Q number> <threshold 1 value> <threshold 2 value>


wrr-queue threshold <Q number> <threshold 1 value> <threshold 2 value>


 cosmos(config)# int gig 1/1
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue random-detect max-threshold  1 50 80 
 !-- 將隊列1的閥值設置為50,最大閥值的80%配置于:Gi1/1 Gi1/2.  
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue random-detect max-threshold  2 40 60 
 !-- 將隊列2的閥值設置為49,最大閥值的60%配置于:Gi1/1 Gi1/2.  


 cosmos(config)#int fast e 3/1 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue threshold ? 
   <1-2> enter threshold queue id (1-2) 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue threshold 1 ? 
   <1-100>  enter percent of queue size between 1 and 100 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue threshold 1 50 100      
 !-- 我們將隊列1(低優先級)2q2t接口沒有尾數的閥值設置為50,  
 !-- 并填滿整個緩沖器: 
 threshold configured on: Fa3/1 Fa3/2 Fa3/3 Fa3/4 Fa3/5 Fa3/6 Fa3/7 Fa3/8 Fa3/9 Fa3/10 Fa3/11 Fa3/12 
 cosmos(config-if)#wrr-queue threshold 2 40 100      
 !-- 我們將隊列2(高優先級)2q2t接口沒有尾數的閥值設置為40,  
 !-- 并填滿整個緩沖器:   
 threshold configured on: Fa3/1 Fa3/2 Fa3/3 Fa3/4 Fa3/5 Fa3/6 Fa3/7 Fa3/8 Fa3/9 Fa3/10 Fa3/11 Fa3/12 


 cosmos#show queueing int gig 1/1
 Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 queueing strategy:  Weighted Round-Robin 
   Port QoS is enabled 
   Port is untrusted 
   Default cos is 0 
   Transmit queues [type = 1p2q2t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         WRR low             2 
        2         WRR high            2 
        3         Priority            1 
     WRR bandwidth ratios:   20[queue 1]  80[queue 2] 
     queue-limit ratios:     70[queue 1]  15[queue 2] 
     queue random-detect-max-thresholds 
       1    50[1] 80[2] 
       2    40[1] 60[2] 
 cosmos#show queueing int fa 3/1 
 Interface FastEthernet3/1 queueing strategy:  Weighted Round-Robin 
   Port QoS is enabled 
   Port is untrusted 
   Default cos is 0 
   Transmit queues [type = 2q2t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         WRR low             2 
        2         WRR high            2 
     WRR bandwidth ratios:  100[queue 1] 255[queue 2] 
     queue-limit ratios:     90[queue 1]  10[queue 2] 
     queue tail-drop-thresholds 
     1     50[1] 100[2] 
     2     40[1] 100[2] 





對于某個和輸出調度相關的端口,檢驗當前運行時間配置的最簡單的命令是show queueing interface [ gig | fast eth] [ slot/port]命令。該命令顯示端口上的隊列類型、CoS到不同隊列和閾值的映射、緩沖共享以及WRR加權(在這里,隊列1為20% WRR,隊列2為80% WRR)。該命令顯示輸出調度的所有配置信息,以及每個隊列的每個閾值所丟充的數據包數量:

 cosmos#show queueing int gig 1/1 
 Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 queueing strategy:  Weighted Round-Robin 
   Port QoS is enabled 
   Port is untrusted 
   Default COS is 0 
   Transmit queues [type = 1p2q2t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         WRR low             2 
        2         WRR high            2 
        3         Priority            1 
     WRR bandwidth ratios:   20[queue 1]  80[queue 2] 
     queue-limit ratios:     70[queue 1]  15[queue 2] 
     queue random-detect-max-thresholds 
       1    50[1] 80[2] 
       2    40[1] 60[2] 
     queue thresh cos-map 
     1     1      0 1 
     1     2      2 3 
     2     1      4 6 
     2     2      7 
     3     1      5 
   Receive queues [type = 1p1q4t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         Standard            4 
        2         Priority            1 
     queue tail-drop-thresholds 
     1     100[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 
     queue thresh cos-map 
     1     1      0 1 
     1     2      2 3 
     1     3      4 
     1     4      6 7 
     2     1      5 
   Packets dropped on Transmit: 
     BPDU packets:  0 
     queue thresh    dropped  [cos-map] 
     1     1               0  [0 1 ] 
     1     2               0  [2 3 ] 
     2     1               0  [4 6 ] 
     2     2               0  [7 ] 
     3     1               0  [5 ] 
   Packets dropped on Receive: 
     BPDU packets:  0 
     queue thresh    dropped  [cos-map] 
     1     1               0  [0 1 ] 
     1     2               0  [2 3 ] 
     1     3               0  [4 ] 
     1     4               0  [6 7 ] 
     2     1               0  [5 ]


Catalyst 6000中產生以下流量:

  • 在千兆端口1/2:一千兆流量,優先值為零

  • 在千兆端口5/2:

    • 133 M流量 優先值為七

    • 133 M流量 優先值為六

    • 133 M流量 優先值為五

    • 133 M流量 優先值為四

    • 133 M流量 優先值為三

    • 133 M流量 優先值為二

    • 133 M流量 優先值為一




本例中的所有輸出通過show int queueing int gig 1/1命令進行配置。該命令提供了輸入調度的其它信息。但是本文僅說明輸出調度,該輸出被刪節。


 nelix#show queueing int gig 1/1 
 Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 queueing strategy:  Weighted Round-Robin 
   Port QoS is enabled 
   Trust state: trust DSCP 
   Default cos is 0 
   Transmit queues [type = 1p2q2t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         WRR low             2 
        2         WRR high            2 
        3         Priority            1 
     WRR bandwidth ratios:  100[queue 1] 255[queue 2] 
     queue-limit ratios:     90[queue 1]   5[queue 2] 
     queue random-detect-max-thresholds 
       1    40[1] 100[2] 
       2    40[1] 100[2] 
     queue thresh cos-map 
     1     1      0 1 
     1     2      2 3 
     2     1      4 
     2     2      6 7 
     3     1      5 
   Packets dropped on Transmit: 
     BPDU packets:  0 
     queue thresh    dropped  [cos-map] 
     1     1       149606424  [0 1 ] 
     1     2               0  [2 3 ] 
     2     1        16551394  [4 ] 
     2     2         4254446  [6 7 ] 
     3     1               0  [5 ]


  • 隊列1的WRR加權:100/(100+255)= 28%

  • 隊列2的WRR加權:255/(255+100)= 72%

  • 緩沖共享:隊列1得到90%,隊列2得到5%,絕對優先隊列得到5%

低優先級WRR隊列中的大部分數據包被丟棄,但仍有一些因為雙重閾值插入在高優先級WRR隊列中。總共有(149606424 + 16551394 + 4254446)= 170412264個數據包被丟棄。這些丟棄的數據包按以下方式分布:

  • 149606424/170412264 = 88%丟棄在隊列1(CoS 0 和1的第一閾值數據包)

  • 16551394/170412264 = 10%丟棄在隊列1(CoS 4的第一閾值數據包)

  • 4254446/170412264 = 2%丟棄在隊列2(CoS 6或7的第二閾值數據包)

注意: 絕對優先隊列中沒有看到丟棄。



 show run int gig 1/1 
 interface GigabitEthernet1/1 
  no ip address 
  wrr-queue bandwidth 10 255 
  mls qos trust dscp 
  switchport mode access 
 nelix#show queueing int gig 1/1 
 Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 queueing strategy:  Weighted Round-Robin 
   Port QoS is enabled 
   Trust state: trust DSCP 
   Default cos is 0 
   Transmit queues [type = 1p2q2t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         WRR low             2 
        2         WRR high            2 
        3         Priority            1 
     WRR bandwidth ratios:   10[queue 1] 255[queue 2] 
     queue-limit ratios:     90[queue 1]   5[queue 2] 
     queue random-detect-max-thresholds 
       1    40[1] 100[2] 
       2    40[1] 100[2] 
     queue thresh cos-map 
     1     1      0 1 
     1     2      2 3 
     2     1      4 
     2     2      6 7 
     3     1      5 
   Packets dropped on Transmit: 
     BPDU packets:  0 
     queue thresh    dropped  [cos-map] 
     1     1         2786205  [0 1 ] 
     1     2               0  [2 3 ] 
     2     1           11363  [4 ] 
     2     2              69  [6 7 ] 
     3     1               0  [5 ] 


  • 2786205/2797637 = 99.591%丟棄在隊列1(CoS 0和1的數據包)

  • 11363/2797637 = 0.408%丟棄在隊列1(CoS 4的第一閾值數據包)

  • 69/2797637 = 0.001%丟棄在隊列2(CoS 6和7的第二閾值數據包)




 show run int gig 1/1 
 interface GigabitEthernet1/1 
  no ip address 
  wrr-queue bandwidth 1 255 
  mls qos trust dscp 
  switchport mode access 
 nelix#show queueing int gig 1/1 
 Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 queueing strategy:  Weighted Round-Robin 
   Port QoS is enabled 
   Trust state: trust DSCP 
   Default cos is 0 
   Transmit queues [type = 1p2q2t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         WRR low             2 
        2         WRR high            2 
        3         Priority            1 
     WRR bandwidth ratios:    1[queue 1] 255[queue 2] 
     queue-limit ratios:     90[queue 1]   5[queue 2] 
     queue random-detect-max-thresholds 
       1    40[1] 100[2] 
       2    40[1] 100[2] 
     queue thresh cos-map 
     1     1      0 1 
     1     2      2 3 
     2     1      4 
     2     2      6 7 
     3     1      5 
   Packets dropped on Transmit: 
     BPDU packets:  0 
     queue thresh    dropped  [cos-map] 
     1     1         2535315  [0 1 ] 
     1     2               0  [2 3 ] 
     2     1             705  [4 ] 
     2     2              73  [6 7 ] 
     3     1               0  [5 ] 





 show run gig 1/1 
 interface GigabitEthernet1/1 
  no ip address 
  wrr-queue bandwidth 1 255 
  wrr-queue queue-limit 70 15 
  mls qos trust dscp 
  switchport mode access 
 nelix#show queueing int gig 1/1 
 Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 queueing strategy:  Weighted Round-Robin 
   Port QoS is enabled 
   Trust state: trust DSCP 
   Default cos is 0 
   Transmit queues [type = 1p2q2t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         WRR low             2 
        2         WRR high            2 
        3         Priority            1 
     WRR bandwidth ratios:    1[queue 1] 255[queue 2] 
     queue-limit ratios:     70[queue 1]  15[queue 2] 
     queue random-detect-max-thresholds 
       1    40[1] 100[2] 
       2    40[1] 100[2] 
     queue thresh cos-map 
     1     1      0 1 
     1     2      2 3 
     2     1      4 
     2     2      6 7 
     3     1      5 
   Receive queues [type = 1p1q4t]: 
     Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds 
        1         Standard            4 
        2         Priority            1 
     queue tail-drop-thresholds 
     1     100[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 
     queue thresh cos-map 
     1     1      0 1 
     1     2      2 3 
     1     3      4 
     1     4      6 7 
     2     1      5 
   Packets dropped on Transmit: 
     BPDU packets:  0 
     queue thresh    dropped  [cos-map] 
     1     1       154253046  [0 1 ] 
     1     2               0  [2 3 ] 
     2     1               0  [4 ] 
     2     2               0  [6 7 ] 
     3     1               0  [5 ] 







120微秒內發送(10 x 1500 x 8)= 120000位


注意: 如果您需要讓同樣的10個大型數據包在10M接口上排隊(例如有一個連接IP電話和一臺PC機),所產生的延遲將為:

120毫秒內發送(10 x 1500 x 8)= 120000比特





  • 一條話音流從10M以太網端口進入。

  • 一條FTP流從1千兆以太網的上行鏈路進入。



在本文中,通過對幾個實例的研究,您已經了解到在運行混合模式的Catalyst 6000上如何對輸出隊列調度進行配置以及如何進行故障排除。您還看到在支持話音業務的大部分網絡中,使用輸出調度有以下好處:

  • 在輸出端口產生超量預訂的情況下,可以避免重要業務被丟棄。

  • 減少延遲。

  • 減少抖動。



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